Why Do Businesses need a Permit to Work System?

First and foremost, using a computerized Permit to Work system like TeroTAM enables businesses to lower the risk of accidents. In reality, the issuance of permits is done without any bother for the issuer and for the person who must conduct the job thanks to capabilities that ensure the identification and control of risks in order to comply with the standards and laws in effect.
Additionally, using software to issue permits makes the process more productive, efficient, and time-effective. In reality, Customizable Digital Work Permit Software makes it possible to swiftly determine whether a worker has the essential abilities to execute the job while also eliminating the need to hunt for paperwork or use pre-made models. This productivity is especially evident during scheduled or unscheduled shutdowns, as permits are swiftly provided without having to go through an excessively time-consuming procedure for the entire team.
Paperless Smooth Workflows
You can rapidly create, process, and validate all work permits with TeroTAM’s Permit to Work Software in just a few minutes, saving over 70% of time often spent on spreadsheets or paperwork. Our software creates a system that drives performance, safety, and compliance, ensuring a smooth workflow.
Save your valuable time and energy by not wasting it on never-ending spreadsheets, with easy and effective workflow and safety guideline templates.
Avoid all the complex and confusing safety dilemmas when working. Keep your work safe and simple with Rule-based Work permit approvals.

Improves Safety Measures
Our PTW Solution provides mobile access to information that helps employees follow procedures correctly. By using the permit as a guide, employees can execute duties. All work permit safety criteria are followed when doing inspections, repairs, and other preventative maintenance tasks for Improved organizational safety
Employees can access all the work and safety guidelines with their work orders to keep it safe while working on the tasks.
Permit to work on thoroughly inspected and maintained clean environment to avoid accidents and improve safety measures.
Increase Standardization
Our Customizable Digital Work Permit System assists firms in implementing uniform practices that adhere to the policy. Pre-defined templates that are based on best practices for worker safety promote efficient and precise project completion. Additionally, this approach makes it simple to maintain practices and regulations as they change over time.
Stay aligned with all safety standards and systems with pre-defined work procedures and practices updated in the work permit solution.
Preset templates to easily create and convey best work practices to keep the alignment between all workers that ensures standardization in work.

Smartly Manage Your Permit to Work with Smartphones
Handle your Work Permits on the go through Your Mobile for Effective Workflow and Safety Standards.
What are the Types of Work Permits?
An Organization deals with multiple activities and multiple work permits. Every single task belongs to a dedicated type of work permit that needs to be issued to an authorized person to carry out the task with all the necessary details. A few of the Permit to Work are listed below:
A permit to work is the control document that outlines the job that is to be done, the risks that have been identified, the safety measures that must be implemented, and the personal protection equipment that is required to be worn.
Permission to access the premise by an unknown person. This permit lets the visitor or guest on the door enter the premise with authorized visitor access and lets them meet the mentioned person or the department.
Authorization to access the Equipment or any other repairable assets by the organizational technician or anyone from the outside. It lets the authorized person assess and repair the asset for which the access is given.
Permission to carry out tasks in environments that cause sparks, flames, or any other kind of ignition. Welding, soldering, working with dangerous gases, and other heat-producing activities are examples of hot work permits.
Authorization to use equipment or perform other tasks that don’t result in the production of heat. Cold work permits include, among other things, mechanically induced bending, shearing, squeezing, and drawing.
Authorization to work with dangerous chemicals or in an environment that is toxic or corrosive by nature. chemical engineers who primarily operate in laboratories and chemical plants dealt with such permits.
Authorization to work in high-voltage areas where electricity is likely to disperse erratically. Electrical engineers frequently handle and maintain lock-out systems and perform site maintenance.
Authorization to carry out tasks in a small area that may be dangerous due to asphyxiation, engulfing substances, toxic air, etc. Vents, shafts, sewage systems, tanks, and a lot more are examples of confined spaces.
Manage your work permit in a Palm-easy way with Smartphone

Easily Issue, Approve, Extend, and Closeout your Permit to Work through your Mobile devices
Higher and Improved Work permit visibility with on-the-go access to all authorized users
Reduce Response wait time on Permit to Work with online approval through Smartphones
Track the Progress of Permit to Work tasks at your convenience anytime anywhere
Stay updated on Work permits with automated notifications and alerts on your Mobile
Permit to Work Process
Dynamic Permit to Work describes the work to be performed and the level of access permissions given to the authorized person.
Specify the Location and the Work area for which the Permit is issued to avoid confusion.
Mention the Site Representative available at the access-given area or the concerned person to engage with.
Introduce the teammates who are working on the same allocated work in the given task or work area.
Describe the entire purpose and procedure that need to be followed by the employee for the assigned task.
Aware the person of all the Risks and Hazards on the work site and the Precautions to avoid any accidents.
Clarify the other kind of Permit to Work required to carry out the assigned work without any interruptions.
Authorize the Crew or the staff to enter the Work premise or engage in a task with a Work permit pass.
Provide the Approval to Start the Work followed by all the procedures and precautions mentioned.
Summarize the work as a checklist and review sheet while starting and completing the work.
Specify the timeline to be followed and work to be completed within to track the working hours.
Add additional Notes, Work Closure Procedure, and Respective Reporting Patterns.
Advantages of Digitized Permit to Work System

QR code allows the mobility to access and authorize the work permit with a quick scan through your smartphone.
Notify with all the updates of Permit to Work with the Setting-based Notification on the Smartphone.
Digital Permit to Work System is a Dynamic Solution to manage any kind of Work permit in any Industry.
Smartly Manage Your Work Permits with Smartphones
Handle your Work Permits on the go through Your Mobile for Effective Workflow and Safety Standards.
Key Features of Permit to Work System

Industries We Serve



Oil & Gas

Real Estate






Fire Department/EMS


Food & Beverage
Do you have questions?

What is a Work Permit System?
A work permit system is a formal system that specifies precisely what work must be done, where it must be done, and when. Each stage of the process should be reviewed and approved by a responsible individual. The individuals performing the work sign the permission to certify that they are aware of the hazards and the appropriate safety measures.
Who Can Use Work Permit Software?
Work Permit Software is perfect for all business kinds and industries. any company operating in any industry, including those in manufacturing, building, mining, retail, oil and gas, and governmental institutions.
What Advantages does the Work Permit System Offer?
With Work Permit System, All employees are at lower risk of injury and death. High-risk activities are under control, and dangers are recognized. improvements in human performance that decrease work mistakes. more readily available assets.
Is Your Work Permit Software Mobile Friendly?
Of Course. Our Work Permit Software is totally Mobile Friendly. You can manage all the Work Permit tasks on the go using your smartphone.